Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ridin' On Home

A little oneshot with Shayla. From Emmett's POV, it's about when Shayla comes home from the first time from her 'teenage vampire rebellion'. Lol, a bit of fluff so read it at HERE.

Latest chapter is up!

The latest chapter of Shayla's New Moon is up. Read it HERE.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I have a new story up, called Tanrtum. Read it HERE.

Also, I bought the Graphic novel of Twilight today. It is awesome! I recommend it to all Twi-Hards: Go get the graphic novel!

Friday, April 2, 2010

I have the latest chapter of Shayla's New Moon uo. LINK

Read it, read it! XD

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Latest chapter

I have the latest chapter up LINK

Monday, March 29, 2010

Two chapters in one day :D

Two chapters in one day! :D I'm on a roll XD


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sundrenched beauty

A new story is up, just Bella's thoughts on Shayla. I was bored, k? LINK

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chapter 7 is up.

Latest chapter of Shayla's New Moon is up, read it HERE.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Story: She-Wolf

Hey, I have written a new story called 'She-Wolf'. It's basically how Leah transformed into a wolf. Might be a little OOC but whatever :P

Read it HERE

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Chapter

Latest chapter is up, I got it beta-ed by a friend, Equivamp. Read it HERE.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Chapter

New chapter LINK Check it out. No teaser for the next one cause I haven't written enough :(

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chapter 3 is up!

Chapter 3 for Shayla's New Moon is up. LINK

New Story

I have written a oneshot for a contest on Deviant Art. We had to write a oneshot, no more then 2,500 words, about Bella and Edward's time on Isle Esme. And HERE is mine. Hope you all enjoy it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shayla's New Moon- extras AND teaser

I know it's a bit early but here are some extras for Shayla's New Moon.

Here is the song 21st Century Breakdown by Greenday, and here is the song Love Shack by the B-52s.

And here is a small teaser for Chapter 3.

I ran to where I saw her. Her scent grew stronger as it suddenly dipped from the tress and her footprints appeared on the ground, further apart then what they usually would be. Ah, she was running at her full speed, that is, in her hunting run. She rarely ran like that anymore, only when she wanted to get somewhere fast.

And then there she was, sitting right on the cliff edge on her knees, praying.

She lifted her gaze to the sky. “Amen,” she then whispered. “I love you Ma, I love you Pa.”

‘Ma’ and ‘Pa’ where not referring to Esme and Carlisle. They were referring to her deceased parents; one whom had died when she was only a baby, the other one was murdered – by her. Her father had been in the woods near our old home and had accidently shot himself. He wandered too close to the house when Shayla was only just a newborn. She had drained him instantly and, once she had realised what she had done, she had felt utterly helpless and sick with grief. She had even tried to kill herself by starvation. But the attempt was unsuccessful.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New chapter!

The second chapter of Shayla's New Moon is up. Read it at HERE.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shayla's New Moon is up *squeal*

Hey ya'll, Shayla's New Moon is up! The first chapter, High Schhol is still Hell, is here. Hope you all enjoy it :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Okay, first off, Shayla's Twilight is now complete but I will be updating it every so often, rewriting parapgraphs, fixing typos and grammer errors, etc. I hate reading it (c'mon who doesn't read their own fics?) and seeing an error, whether it be a tense mistake or a spelling error ir whatever. I'm a Grammer Nazi, what can I say? :P

Second of all, Becoming A Cullen. I'm not really sure where it's going but it'll probably go on for at least two more chapters and then an epilogue of when her Newborn year ends. I really don't know :/

I am writing a new fic too as well, the Shayla's Twilight sequel, Shayla's New Moon and I will hopefully get the first chapter up in a week or two. If not... well, I'm busy okay, give me a chance to! I have work, school, my friends, my boyfriend, family AND this to all take care, it's a bit overwelming.

Well, that's all I'm willing to dish out now so I'll cya's when I next update!

Friday, February 26, 2010

New fanfiction- Changes.

Got a new fanfiction called Changes. HERE. Oneshot.

Shayla's Twilight Epilogue- extras

The extras for the epilogue.

Shyala's dress:

Shayla's shoes:

Golden Wattles:

Finally, Shayla's Twilight is done! I got epilogue up yesterday and that means I have more time to focus on my other fics :).


Thursday, February 25, 2010


I've gotten Chapter ll and 12 of Shayla's Twilight up (At here, just use the chapter buttons to navigate) and as a small teaser, here is the first part of the epilogue!


“Is this really necessary?” I demanded to Maddy as she danced around me,
fiddling with my hair. Her oval face formed itself into a grin as she paused to
push her long, brown hair back.

“Of course it is!” she eventually
admitted. “You are going to be the bell of the ball there Cinderella!”

I sighed and bite my lip. Maddy had convinced me to go to the prom because my
family was going despite the excuse that I didn’t have a partner. But then Matt
volunteered to take me and Maddy had agreed because it meant that she could
dress me up. When she and Tiff arrived armed and ready at the house, they had
got on like a house on fire with my sisters. My vampire sisters that is.

-- Shayla's Twilight, epilogue

Monday, February 8, 2010

New chapter

Latest chapter of Shayla's Twilight is up. HERE.


Her words stuck a cord with me. I had too noticed that he was no longer sullen, no longer unhappy and feeling alone in the house. We were the only ones to not have a mate but I didn't mind, I was too busy being a teenage vampire to notice much. Of course I spent time with my two closest friends/ siblings in the world, Alice and Jasper but when they needed time to themselves, I was always careful not to intrude on them. And it always ended up me and Edward spending time together, being brother and sister. Carlisle once hoped that perhaps I could become Edward's mate– but the feeling remained at brotherly and sisterly love. There was nothing more, and nothing less. I could see first hand of how depressed Edward was.

And I could see how happy he was now. Bella had lit up a light in his life and I was sure as hell that I wasn't going to let some sadistic tracker take it away from him.

-- Shayla's Twilight, Chapter 10

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shayla's Twilight Chapter 6- extras

Here is Shayla's element cap. Emmett is such a good brother to her eh?
My friend has nearly the exact same cap to this. Or a very similar one :)

Shayla's Twilight Chapter 4 extras

The song that Jasper considered ironic: Human by The Killers :)

Shayla's Twilight Chapter 3- Extras

This is the CD which Shayla was listening to. I love Soulja Boy!

And this is Funhouse, the song by P!NK that she was singing earlier in the chapter. She also sung and listened to Runaway, another awesome song by P!NK.

Shayla's Twilight extras- Chapter 1

Ah, our first extra :)

So, a friend of mine asked what Shayla's bike looks like. Not at all a revhead, I just picked the one below cause it looked cool :)

New chapter

New chapter of Becoming a Cullen is up. Chapter 10.


But then there was a crash from upstairs, like someone had dropped something hard on the wooden floor. But then thudding footsteps thundered down the stairs and I saw Shayla burst out the back door, not bothering to open it and wrenching it off the hinges. I ran after her to the dining room window, where I had a clear view of the yard. My family followed me.

"No!" Edward suddenly roared as he turned and ran out the busted door. He thundered after her just as the injured man stumbled into the yard, a bloody bandage wrapped around his bare upper arm and shoulder.

Even without Alice's gift, I could see that Shayla couldn't be stopped. I saw the fear flash in the man's eyes as Shayla pelted towards him. Her eyes were clouded, filled with nothing but bloodlust. She did not resemble the sweet, independent, somewhat emotionally-fragile daughter that we knew anymore. Her vampire instincts ruled her.

-- Becoming a Cullen, Chapter 10

Friday, January 29, 2010

New chapters

New chapters of Clinging to Life and Becoming a Cullen are up. Check them out.



CtL excerpt:

I wondered why on earth Shayla wanted to join in the rough housing. Alice and Rosalie were getting more enjoyment out of watching, than actually participating in it. Shayla gave me a small, sly smile and I then knew one more thing about her. Adrenaline junkie popped into my head immediately. She possibly was a quite high-energy girl and that called for extreme fun. Four vampires fighting each other had to be under the 'extreme' list… well, at least, for ours.

I returned her smile with one of my own and said, "Sure." I turned back to the boys. I shifted my weight, touching her hand as a signal. We launched ourselves into the tussle, silently as mice.

There was a playful shout from Emmett when we suddenly appeared into the picture. I landed onto his shoulders, gripping him as Shayla suddenly tussled with Jasper. They were fairly evenly matched, matching each other's moves almost like they practiced doing so. I couldn't help but admire Shayla's body as she spun and danced around.

-- Clinging to Life, Chapter 3

BaC excerpt:

I watched Shayla with interest as she balanced the soccer ball on the bridge of her nose, keeping it steady by moving her head to the side every few seconds and with her arms held slightly out to the side. She kept stepping in every direction as she kept the ball balanced. We were in the backyard and I was rather bored while everyone else was out. Esme was shopping, Carlisle was at the hospital and the others were at school. Carlisle thought it would be better if I stayed home with Shayla because she was unable to attend until her eyes went gold and she learnt to resist human blood. Rosalie didn't like the two of us staying home together. But really, what were we going to do? Massacre the whole town? I chuckled at this train of thought.

-- Becoming A Cullen, Chapter 1

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New fanfiction

Me and a friend of mine off, Penmaster51, have started writing a new fanfiction together. Called Clinging To Life, it's set after BD and it's about Penmaster's OC Kyle and my OC Shayla, falling for each other. It has minumin spoilers so go ahead and read it.



I missed my big (literally) brother, Emmett and his booming laugh that would follow me everywhere as I did something amusing or humiliating (or both). I missed my beautiful sister Rosalie who I would turn to when I was down. I missed my brother Jasper who was always there to protect me and guide me through the good and bad times. I missed my future-seeing, pixie-sized sister Alice, the hyper-active yet lovable person who was with me through thick and thin. I missed my smart-mouth brother Edward with our mental conversations. I missed Nessie's innocent nature and I missed her mother Bella, who was the sweetest person I knew. I missed my father's wisdom and my mother's sweet, caring nature. Hell, I even missed Jacob, even with his damn mutt smell, because he too was family.

-- Clinging to Life, Chapter 1: Returning...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Shayla's profile

If you can't see the picutre go to here.

Shayla's profile

Name: Shayla Kara Brown-Cullen
Sex: Female
Species: Vampire
Age: Forever 16
Height: 5'9"
Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Changes depending on thirst. Usually golden, her eyes darken over a period over a fortnight to black when she gets thirsty.
Skin complexion: Pale
Orgin: Born in Australia but father is Americian. So half and half.
Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
Personality: Can be hyperactive and immature at times. Can usually be found smiling or grinning or giving out hugs. Suffers from mild depression which comes and goes. Becomes moody if thirsty. Is very loyal to her family and friends.
Likes: Hugs, music especially rock and hip-hop, surfing, her family and horses.
Dislikes: Bullies, the Volturi, school and authority in general, sappy movies and deer blood (yuck!)
Background: Shyala lost her mother at an early age and remembers nothing of their time in Australia together. Her father took her back to America to a small villiage in Washington called Mengo. They were very poor due to her father working on a farm-hands salary and she unable to attend school. Shayla was abused by the owner of the farm until she was 14 and was emotionally and physically scarred. She learnt to communicate with animals after an unknown period of time and wanted to test it out on other animals. So she ventured out into the woods a few weeks before her 16th birthday but was mauled by a mountion lion. Emmett Cullen found her and took her back to Carlisle where she was changed into a vampire.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ah yes, I have a blog!

Probabobly no need for one but anyway...

My name is Haz-Za also known as Ha-Za-A on I have four stories at the moment:

Shayla's Twilight: The Cullens forever 16 yo sister retrns home after a year away. This is her insight on Twilight. She's depressed, angry but yet still the lovable little sister they love. Can they help her before its too late? Read it and find out!

Becoming a Cullen: A month has passed in the Cullen household and Shayla isn't fitting in well. After learning of her past, the family does their best to help her and make her move on from her tramutic past. Pre-Shayla's Twilight.

The Hunt: Shayla goes hunting with the girls a week after she's changed.

Clinging to Life: Set weeks after BD, Shayla comes back to Forks after her engagment to her fiancee, Petey, falls through. There she meets the latest member of the family, Kyle, a nomadic newborn whom she falls in love with. Co-written with Penmaster51.

So this is where I'll post update, new chapters, extras etc for each of my stories along with profiles.

Until next time, cya.

<3 Haz