CtL: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5689610/4/Clinging_to_life
BaC: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5591603/9/Becoming_a_Cullen
CtL excerpt:
I wondered why on earth Shayla wanted to join in the rough housing. Alice and Rosalie were getting more enjoyment out of watching, than actually participating in it. Shayla gave me a small, sly smile and I then knew one more thing about her. Adrenaline junkie popped into my head immediately. She possibly was a quite high-energy girl and that called for extreme fun. Four vampires fighting each other had to be under the 'extreme' list… well, at least, for ours.
I returned her smile with one of my own and said, "Sure." I turned back to the boys. I shifted my weight, touching her hand as a signal. We launched ourselves into the tussle, silently as mice.
There was a playful shout from Emmett when we suddenly appeared into the picture. I landed onto his shoulders, gripping him as Shayla suddenly tussled with Jasper. They were fairly evenly matched, matching each other's moves almost like they practiced doing so. I couldn't help but admire Shayla's body as she spun and danced around.
-- Clinging to Life, Chapter 3
BaC excerpt:
I watched Shayla with interest as she balanced the soccer ball on the bridge of her nose, keeping it steady by moving her head to the side every few seconds and with her arms held slightly out to the side. She kept stepping in every direction as she kept the ball balanced. We were in the backyard and I was rather bored while everyone else was out. Esme was shopping, Carlisle was at the hospital and the others were at school. Carlisle thought it would be better if I stayed home with Shayla because she was unable to attend until her eyes went gold and she learnt to resist human blood. Rosalie didn't like the two of us staying home together. But really, what were we going to do? Massacre the whole town? I chuckled at this train of thought.
-- Becoming A Cullen, Chapter 1